Why Spiral?
I am the ARIES—a ram with spiral horns!
I always have long hair, which I twirled my hair all of the time. I also love to dance by spinning around. Have someone hold my hand and go spinning. I also always dizzy all my life. So the "spiral" means a lot to me.
I love snakes, and how they would coil up to sleep or wrap around my arm, so beautiful.
I am always fascinated with tornadoes.
My life is never a straight line. It is like chaos with so many turns, so hence the spiral.
The "spiral" is a sacred symbol representing the journey and change of life. It unfolds, taking a labyrinth-like passage that leads to Source. The spiral symbol can represent the consciousness of nature, beginning from its center expanding outwardly.
Spirals have been linked to nature, seasons, and life paths: birth, growth, death, and reincarnation.
"The human mind always makes progress, but it is the progress made in spirals."
—Madame de Stael